Day 28 – The Reichstag Fire, “Dangerous” Immigrants & Emergency Decrees

“Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad!”
Thus, in typical thin-skin, knee-jerk Twitter-ese, President Trump issues a Don Corleone “and that day may never come” warning in the wake of a court-ruling stalling his seven-country travel ban.
Nothing makes people more willing to give up their rights than an emergency. And nothing primes the pump better for an emergency decree than a worst-case-scenario actually happening.
Adolf Hitler didn’t take over Germany by force–he was elected chancellor, not dictator in 1932 and sworn in on January 30, 1933. He promised change, jobs for the working class and most importantly plenty of scapegoats to blame for losing … Read More…