About Us…

This site got going with a question:  What happens when you…

  • Hear a song that takes you back to a high school dance?
  • Surf onto a movie that puts you right into the theater seat where you first saw the film–and who was sitting next to you?
  • Flip through a photo album to a day you’d totally forgotten, noticing something amazing in the background–even an old favorite toy?
  • Find a ticket stub to a ballgame or concert?

Memories, along with universal humor in any situation has always been a wonderful combination. This blog celebrates the humanity and humor in our culture with the contributions of creative writers.

One Sunday in January 2013…

After its renovation, the Detroit Historical Museum had free admission for a year. So I frugally dragged the family downtown for some culture.

The Detroit HIstorical Museum's famous basement street.

The Detroit Historical Museum’s famous basement street.

In the basement historic street scene, I’d noticed a cool old firetruck…


Then I noticed the old photo on the wall of the firefighters, long gone, who bravely worked this machine in days before fire-resistant garment and oxygen masks…


I looked down and saw the worn armrests. How many firefighters had gripped that handle on tight turns through Detroit’s muddy streets? How many lives were saved? How many of their lives were lost?


That old photo brought me their lives, it made me see the handrail and what it signified. My planets had aligned–combining this visit with my project of finally scanning 25 years of family snapshots (and all the nostalgia that comes with it).

And in the Shout-Out Department…

On the drive home I called a neighbor, Jerry Kocis, founder and owner of a web-design, hosting and marketing company WorldWise.net, about an idea for a blog for creative writers.

Jerry and his great family.

Jerry and his great family.

He invited me by that Sunday afternoon and introduced me to WordPress and went through some basics in this unknown world of blogging to me. Thank you, Jerry.

Laura E. Kelly

Laura E. Kelly

I then picked the brain of Laura Kelly, (Tumbler blog) a professional writer, web-designer, editor and blog-consultant who has guided me through some interesting waters over these first twelve months. Thank you, Laura, for your patience, experience and good humor! Laura’s also posted some great items on this site (link).

It’s been nearly a year and we had over 27,000 hits in our first nine months (once I figured out how to start using statistics with JetPack!). The big surprise was in June when Huffington Post contacted me and asked to submit my “Yard Sale at the DIA” piece (I thought it was a prank). Take a look at over 20 pieces picked up by Huffington Post (link).

I called a few friends, to see if they’d be interested and had some nice posts. Thanks to our writers. I wanted to particularly thank the following folks who, in addition to Laura Kelly, wrote a number of times…


Robert Phillips (link) was the first writer to jump on board. His hilarious and poignant insights as a Florida attorney and long-suffering Philly-fan have received rave reviews.

KaleKale Davidoff (link) is a recent Michigan State alum who loves sports, music and the movie industry where he’s currently employed, right here in Michigan.

JoeJoe Maguire  is my uncle and lives north of San Francisco. He’s always been an inspiration to me for his creativity, technological know-how and unconditional love.

MitzelSteve Mitzel (link) is a great family friend, Wolverine and recent Connecticut resident. I harvested him from a Facebook post that he wrote on his tree in the front yard and he’s come through with some amazing posts–particularly as a great dad and his insights following his 2013 Boston Marathon experience.

You’re Welcome to Join Us!

We would like to invite more of you. Contributors are encouraged to who follow some basic guidelines…

  • Please be civil and offer a unique perspective with humor and balance whenever possible!
  • Welcome dialogue!
  • Share us on your social media outlets.

It’s been a great first year and we’ve just given the site a facelift. We’re hoping to get some pod casts going shortly! If you are interested in joining us, please drop me a line!

Kevin Walsh 


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