The Right to Bear Left: 2nd Amendment Mad-Libs, Replacing Cars for Guns

What if, under an old desk in James Madison’s study, the following were found scribbled on the back-side of the Second Amendment–the words in bold written into blank spots like a Mad Libs page…
Amendment 2.5: A well-regulated Transportation System, being necessary to the mobility of a free State, the right of the people to keep and conduct Transportation Devices, shall not be infringed.
After all, the right to transport yourself is a pretty inalienable right, too, isn’t it?
Eisenhower saw the immediate benefit of the German autobahn–allowing quick movement of Hitler’s troops across WWII. But in addition to Cold War defense, Eisenhower also saw the expressways as a vital route for emergency evacuation–all under strict central government oversight. After all, you wouldn’t want … Read More…