Which America is Yours? A Proposed Four-Party Hogwarts Government

Maybe Washington could do with a leach or two…

If you were sick in ancient Greece your body’s chemicals were simply off-kilter–a bad mix of the four humours:  blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile…

There are four seasons (for now), four legs on a chair and four balls for a free base–but only two parties running the country.  Have you had much luck on a two-legged stool lately?

Wouldn’t it be great if, like mood rings, we could glance at someone’s wardrobe and know who we’re about to ask to babysit your kid?  The Scots had it right–you could spot an enemy clansman running up the heath by the pattern of his kilt.  Even in the Harry Potter series, my own kids walked around the house with Griffindor’s gold-and-red scarves.  Now … Read More…

Harry Potter & Social Responsibility: Eternal Life–No Horcrux Necessary

Imagine getting a royalty check every time someone is called a “Good Samaritan” or “Prodigal Son.”  Go to an RV park and you’ll see one of these stickers…


I remember camping for quite a while until I realized it was a nod to Jesus’ famous story.  Imagine inventing a character that is part of our vocabulary–2,000 years later.

In Joe Jackson’s  “The Man Who Wrote Danny Boy,” the narrator debates selling his soul to live forever in music or stay in the moment, loved by one person calling from the next room…

When Harry Potter was first banned in school districts, the “children’s … Read More…