Hamlet’s Hardy Fan-Base: Shakespeare Returns to Royal Oak, July 31-August 10th

Combine the magic and nostalgia of a drive-in with the most classic tale of murder, haunted castles and terrible puns, then throw in the potential rain-delay of a ballgame and you’re ready for Hamlet that opens the 14th season of the Water Works Theatre Company on July 31st in Royal Oak.
The Globe Theatre didn’t have a roof. The cheap seats were right up front where the “groundlings” sat for a penny and were able to bring their food—generally as ammunition—rain be-damned. The producers, writers and actors knew the audience was an integral part of the performance—to their own peril sometimes. Joseph Papp, in 1954, was the first to “out” Shakespeare once again, yanking him from his dark theatres, anthologies, … Read More…