Divorce Court for Your Cable Provider: The Art of the Steal

Wouldn’t it be great if we could negotiate everything like a cable bill? Try it the next time you’re in your doctor’s waiting room.
“That will be $148, Mr. Walsh,” says the cranky person behind the glass slidey-door.
“Hmmm…I’m not sure about that.”
“Hmmm?” she glances up from her computer.
“That’s right. Hmmm. You know, I think you might be overcharging me.”
“Sir, would you like me to sick a collection agency on you?”
“But $148 to have my kids’ acne examined? And we had to wait an extra hour for that privilege. Can you knock off twenty bucks because of the wait?”
“Sir, the doctor is very busy.”
“I’m sure he is. Anyway, the zit-doc down the hall told me he’d look at my … Read More…