Public Education Going the Way of Netscape Navigator? Common Core, Bill Gates and BATs

Listen to our podcast with two leaders of the Badass Teacher’s Association, Marla Kilfoyle and Melissa Tomlinson…[powerpress url= “″ length=”13068921″ type=”audio/mpeg”]
“If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?”
It was a typical tenth grade essay question. I can still see the red ink circling my first wish on my returned paper; I had written “health.”
“Good health or bad health?”
“Well, duh?” I remember my brilliant 16 year-old sarcasm so clearly. “Who would wish for bad health?”
And as my revenge on this injustice, I used the same technique grading papers for 25 years. I lectured that it was a lesson in being specific. Students need to pay attention to those details where the devil hangs out. The kids loved me … Read More…