Rating People Like Movies? Using a Metascore for Your Neighbor and Spouse

In the land of The Newsroom‘s Aaron Sorkin, everything ends up as it should be–Karma works and Yins and Yangs co-exist happily. (For example, the Obamacare websites would be working on day one.) In Sorkin’s final scene in The Social Network he portrays the Facebook founder as a miserable billionaire with no friends, cyber stalking his ex-girlfriend who started the whole ball a-rollin’–all to the Beatle’s tune, “Baby You’re a Rich Man.”
But unfortunately for us, Zuckerberg’s not really that sad and Martin Sheen isn’t in charge of the Affordable Health Care Act. Hollywood isn’t real–but maybe a piece of Hollywood could be real–the Metascore.
Bloodsuckers in Washington? Who Knew?
I’d finally caved and started a Netflix viewing of the … Read More…