Scary Chattanoogan Billboards: Swaying 86 People with Mystery Money & Veiled Threats

The plan was simple. Just convince under a hundred people that Detroit was once again the bogeyman, just like in Robocop.
Yesterday in Tennessee, in a narrow vote swung by just 6%, the United Auto Workers’ efforts to unionize the Chattanooga Volkswagen workers fell short, 712-626. The “yes” votes began to fade away in the final two weeks due to a barrage of billboards like the following…
Ironically, as seen in the above typoed billboard, there was not only the threat of liberals and Obama, it also mentions the dirty “politicans” who abandon their oaths of office to all their citizens and instead conduct business for the sake of their campaign benefactors.
But it’s okay if those non-liberal representatives choose to have “Big Government” step … Read More…