New Podcast: Archivists Roundtable at Historic Abick’s Bar in Detroit

What to keep, what to throw away? The eternal question for the archivist.

In a partnership with Digging Detroit, we take our podcast on the road and chat with some of Michigan’s top historical archivists in a roundtable discussion at historic Abick’s Bar on their unusual world–sometimes spent in dusty shelves and digging through dark basements and mysterious attics–but often waiting for you at the reference desk.

They’ll share some familiar requests, general misconceptions, surprise treasures and offer some great advice for everyone on preserving documents, photographs and memories for posterity.

Recorded August 4, 2015 at Abick’s Bar & Grill


Pete Kalinski:  Digging Detroit Host/Producer


Rebecca Bizonet:  Oral History Project Archivists at The Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University

Andrea Gietzen:  Archivists at the Archives of Michigan, Michigan Historical Center

Thomas J. Reed, Jr.  Digging Detroit Host/Producer

Robbie Terman:  Director of the Leonard N. Simons Jewish Community Archives, The Jewish Federation of Detroit

Brian Wilson:  Digital Access and Preservation Archivist at The Henry Ford


Back row:  Andrea Gietzen (Michigan History), Pete Kalinski (Digging Detroit), Kit Lindamood (Abick’s Bar)  Front Row:  Robbie Terman (Jewish Federation), Rebecca Bizonet (Reuther Library), Brian Wilson (The Henry Ford), Andy Surowiec (Smokin’ Pole BBQ)


Host Pete Kalinski and Brian Wilson of The Henry Ford


Pete Kalinski, Brian Wilson, Rebecca Bizonet, Robbie Terman and Andrea Gietzen

Special thanks to our hosts (click ’em and check ’em out)


Thanks Eric and Kit!

SmokinPole Website

Thanks Andy!  Check out some of his great stuff below…sorry we ate so much of it so quickly!


Some of Abick’s artifacts mixed with Andy’s sauce.




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About Kevin Walsh

Kevin began in 2013 as an experiment that was as simple as "What's a blog?" and ended up becoming a forum for fellow writers. He's been a high school teacher for 28 years and worked as an administrator and instructor in colleges for 10 years since then. Contact him at: He is also the producer of the web-series and blog, www.DiggingDetroit, founder and producer for MMD Productions at which offers quick, professional photography, video and multimedia solutions for individuals, organizations and businesses. His high school media production text, "Video Direct," has been used in 40 states--and he occasionally still sells a few. He is the current president of the non-profit DAFT (Digital Arts Film and Television) which sponsors the Michigan Student Film Festival. He lives in Royal Oak, Michigan, is married to Patrice and is tolerated by his two kids Aidan and Abby who have all graciously allowed him to write about them on occasion.

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