Brother-Sister Relationships: Solid as a Bungee Cord


My daughter’s first sentence, “Aidan pushed me!” can accurately sum up most sibling relationships in the ebbs and flows of a life.   As a family historian and generally nosey individual, it’s been interesting to watch them grow apart, together, apart and together again–even before they’re out of high school.

The default setting of a new family member is encouraging–a two year old’s inquisitive look in the hospital and sloppy kiss.  Then the parents go through stages of trust and fear as the toddler gets close–but not too close to the baby.


…even if he tries to cover his tracks.


Abby came into this world as a trusting soul and continues to be that way toward nearly everyone, except her brother.  He’s earned that distrust.   After ten years or so of offering him half of her allowance and a “bite” of her ice cream that became 7/8 of her ice cream, she has grounds.

But lately, there have been signs that they’ll never admit, that they are heading back to their close-relationship in the hospital that day when he leaned over and gave her a joyful kiss and called her “alligator.”  They’re both very involved in Royal Oak’s drama program and have at least found a common denominator–their mom’s thespian leaning.

Pirates_AbbyAidanIt seems like it’ll never arrive, that the argument in the backseat between the two car seats will never end.  But suddenly they’re hanging out in the same zip code without yelling.  


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About Kevin Walsh

Kevin began in 2013 as an experiment that was as simple as "What's a blog?" and ended up becoming a forum for fellow writers. He's been a high school teacher for 28 years and worked as an administrator and instructor in colleges for 10 years since then. Contact him at: He is also the producer of the web-series and blog, www.DiggingDetroit, founder and producer for MMD Productions at which offers quick, professional photography, video and multimedia solutions for individuals, organizations and businesses. His high school media production text, "Video Direct," has been used in 40 states--and he occasionally still sells a few. He is the current president of the non-profit DAFT (Digital Arts Film and Television) which sponsors the Michigan Student Film Festival. He lives in Royal Oak, Michigan, is married to Patrice and is tolerated by his two kids Aidan and Abby who have all graciously allowed him to write about them on occasion.

2 Responses to Brother-Sister Relationships: Solid as a Bungee Cord

  1. Beth Valone says:

    Kevin, I used to fight with my middle sister viciously but we became friends, especially after I moved on to college and life. It just happened. It will for Aidan and Abby, too.

  2. Ann w Quinn says:

    Love the pictures and narrative! Great job, Kevin!